Theocratic Sedition
JoinedPosts by Theocratic Sedition
Can't get work after pioneering
by ekruks ini was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation and can advise me?.
like many here, i was bought up as a jw, with full-time service (bethel, pioneer) the only career option held out in front of me.
i wanted to take a government loan and go to university, but was forced not to, labelled 'materialistic'.. i became a pioneer / window cleaner - round here, almost all pioneer brothers window clean, unless they are retired or have a rich daddy.
26% drop in auxiliary pioneers in "special month" between 2011 and 2012
by sir82 ini don't recall seeing this posted on this board before, my apologies if the topic is duplicated..... in april 2011 and march 2012, the gb made a "loving provision" to allow jws to sign up for the auxiliary pioneer work with only a 30 hour requirement instead of the usual 50 hours.. in 2011, in the usa, about 500,000 signed up to be auxiliary pioneers.. in 2012, per the august 2012 km, only about 370,000 signed up.. that's a 26% drop in just 1 year!.
granted, in many parts of the us, the march weather is far worse than april's.
but on the other hand, there were 5 saturdays in march 2012 - you could get your "time in" with 5 long saturdays and nothing else.. .
Theocratic Sedition
26% is a bigger drop than I anticipated as well. I wonder if this illustrates just how many publishers view pioneering if not field service itself, as a colossal waste of time? Few would actually come and say it, but their action or rather inaction in this case speaks volumes and I'm sure the Branch has taken notice. I've said to myself and a couple close associates that I question the value of the average pioneer. Most pioneers accomplish absolutely nothing out in the ministry. I know older sisters in high rises incapable of door to door activity who turn in 15 minute increments that accomplish just as much as the average pioneer that actually makes their time.
The average JW with a job, and responsibilities, and common sense has to recognize the futility of field service. So possibly they may have felt the peer pressure when the first "pioneer for a month" campaign was in effect two years ago. Or maybe they even got caught up in the spirit of it all. Regardless, after going back into field service autopilot mode, their common sense and previous experience to back up the futility of it all aided them in making the decision not to do it again this second time around.
Favorite Reggae Musicians and Songs - Youtubes Welcome !
by flipper inof course the obvious of my favorites topping the list is : bob marley & the wailers.
stephen marley.
ziggy marley.
Theocratic Sedition
Heard this last year for the first time, a dub version of Handsworth Revolution. Been looking for a complete dub compilation from Steel Pulse but I dont think such a thing exists.
Drinking one night this song dang near brought tears to my eyes reminiscing on certain memories.
Encouraging words from the Governing Body throughout the years.
by Theocratic Sedition in2012 yearbook.
as you keep on the watch for that thrilling event, please be assured that we truly love each of you dear brothers and sisters, who are proving your love for jehovah in deed and truth!1 john 3:18.. your brothers,.
governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Theocratic Sedition
Miz - you may have an abundance of time to waste, but I don't. I spent quite a while answering your points on your first "Judas" thread, only to find it was all simply for your amusement.
I hope you got plenty of laughs out of it at my (and others') expense, but I can't say I'm grateful to you for the wasted time and thought that I spent trying to assist somebody who never existed.
Seconding Outlaw's post, it wasn't a waste of time and what you posted was beneficial to lurkers and even long time posters who need an occasional refresher. I'm not judging, but I feel at times you may take yourself a little too seriously Cedars. I watched the little tizzy you and Slimboy some tmie ago and that's when I first noticed it. Make no mistake, this cult and the issues surrounding it are very serious, but if Ray couldn't turn it upside down it's head, neither can you, myself, or anybody else. Regardless though, your blog, survey questions, and videos are priceless and I tip my hat to you. You're a man obsessed and I respect that. You're doing more against the org than those like myself still in it can or even have the courage to do. Wish you well in your endeavors.
While I feel that the information found on the internet is probably going to be the lethal injection this organization is desperately trying to fend off, don't lose yourself trying to load the syringe. Not trying to be discouraging either, and every little bit counts, but don't become overly sensitive to it all.
Theo, its not that big a deal...but why? What are you accomplishing making someone waste their breathe on something you already know?? By the way, I had been very sporadic on JWN for the past year or more- was going through a lot of personal problems.
Sorry to hear about your personal problems and hope the best for you bruh. Hang in there.
Encouraging words from the Governing Body throughout the years.
by Theocratic Sedition in2012 yearbook.
as you keep on the watch for that thrilling event, please be assured that we truly love each of you dear brothers and sisters, who are proving your love for jehovah in deed and truth!1 john 3:18.. your brothers,.
governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Theocratic Sedition
Theo, nice to 'joust'...but why not just be you? You are here for some reason. I kind of remember Misery Loves Elders
I don't know bruh, they keep banning me. Last time I got the axe I was barely active. I think there's a rule about getting the axe once and coming back they've meaning mods got an issue with. Besides I've got everything I needed from here, and was largely killing time at work.
Spike Tassel and Renia, those were the days. Wonder what ever became of them, or have they come back under different names too?
Those days used to crack me up as a lurker. Can't tell you how hilarious it was reading all that going back and forth, and it was helpful too from a then genuinely curious on the fence lurker perspective.
On another note, there's been some serious warfare going on in this message board. Joking with a friend of mine how it almost looks like it culminated into the birth of two new message boards. Sheesh can't we all get along?
Encouraging words from the Governing Body throughout the years.
by Theocratic Sedition in2012 yearbook.
as you keep on the watch for that thrilling event, please be assured that we truly love each of you dear brothers and sisters, who are proving your love for jehovah in deed and truth!1 john 3:18.. your brothers,.
governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Theocratic Sedition
Well, might as well get ready for my next banning. I have to say though, it's been an honor to joust with IsaacAustin as he is THEE Troll Exposer. I used to get the biggest kick out of him torturing Spike Tassle and Renia.
Good to see everybody alive and kicking though! Outlaw, Chicken and Beer forever!!!
Encouraging words from the Governing Body throughout the years.
by Theocratic Sedition in2012 yearbook.
as you keep on the watch for that thrilling event, please be assured that we truly love each of you dear brothers and sisters, who are proving your love for jehovah in deed and truth!1 john 3:18.. your brothers,.
governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Theocratic Sedition
My Reply: Actually, it would not inlcude JW meeting attendace in any sense, since that is pseudo-Christian, and completely cutic in nature.
Psuedo-Christian? What do you mean by that? It certainly doesn't sound very encouraging.
Encouraging words from the Governing Body throughout the years.
by Theocratic Sedition in2012 yearbook.
as you keep on the watch for that thrilling event, please be assured that we truly love each of you dear brothers and sisters, who are proving your love for jehovah in deed and truth!1 john 3:18.. your brothers,.
governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Theocratic Sedition
....It is not a proof-text to not skip JW meetings
That's right, it can be used to support any gathering of True Christians as encouragement shouldn't be limited to regular meeting attendance. Just like right now at this very moment Isaacaustin I'm imparting to you encouraging words, and you likewise to me. This truly is an interchange of encouragement!
Encouraging words from the Governing Body throughout the years.
by Theocratic Sedition in2012 yearbook.
as you keep on the watch for that thrilling event, please be assured that we truly love each of you dear brothers and sisters, who are proving your love for jehovah in deed and truth!1 john 3:18.. your brothers,.
governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Theocratic Sedition
Thank you for highlighting some of the loving words from the Faithful Slave! On days when I'm down spiritually, I take some time to reflect on all that Christ's Brothers are doing for us in these "critical last days that are hard to deal with."
In such a hateful and cold world, where the "love of the greater number have cooled" to such a great degree, it truly warms my heart to know that Christ-like men living humble lives are praying for me day in and day out!
Ohh it warms my heart and encourages me that true servants of Jehovah are present on this forum!! Who knows, maybe we'll be able to turn this forum into a reflection of Hebrews 10:24, 25!!
Encouraging words from the Governing Body throughout the years.
by Theocratic Sedition in2012 yearbook.
as you keep on the watch for that thrilling event, please be assured that we truly love each of you dear brothers and sisters, who are proving your love for jehovah in deed and truth!1 john 3:18.. your brothers,.
governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Theocratic Sedition
2012 Yearbook
As you keep on the watch for that thrilling event, please be assured that we truly love each of you dear brothers and sisters, who are proving your love for Jehovah “in deed and truth”!—1 John 3:18.
Your brothers,
Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses
2011 Yearbook
Be assured that “without ceasing” we always make mention of you in our prayers. (Rom. 1:9) May you “keep yourselves in God’s love, while you are waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ with everlasting life in view.”—Jude 21.
We love you all!
Your brothers,
Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses
2006 Yearbook
Be assured that the Governing Body loves you and that we pray for you. We also thank you for your prayers for us.
Your brothers,
Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses
It's heartwarming and encouraging that they take the time out of their busy schedules to express their genuine love for us. Just think about it!! These men are going to be in the heavens, and yet they don't view us as so insignicant to not express their affection for us, all the while feeding us spiritually. It's very touching.